What You Can Cut Out Of Your Budget Right Now Part 1

What You Can Cut Out Of Your Budget Right Now Part 1

Are you looking to save some extra cash and cut items out of your budget? Maybe you need to save some extra money so that you can afford a certain vacation. Maybe you need to cut things out of your budget so that you can pay off debt. Whatever your reasons is, I’m sure there is at least one thing that you could cut out of your budget right now in order to save some money. Here is my list of what you can most likely cut out of your budget. That gym membership that you never use. If you...

Sports Betting Basics

There are many different reasons for why you may want to start betting on sports games. Maybe you just want to place some friendly bets with your group of friends (such as at a Super Bowl party that is coming up within the next week), or maybe you want to get more into it with the possibility of winning prizes or winning some extra money. Know your odds. There are websites out there, for example – bwin, that will tell you what your odds are. This may help you place your bets better since you will hopefully understand and know...

6 Things Credit Card Companies Do Not Want You to Know

6 Things Credit Card Companies Do Not Want You to Know

If you think you know everything you need to about your credit card, think again. There is a lot of information credit card companies do not disclose about their products. Listed below are six things credit card companies do not want you to know and why: You’re the boss.   Banks and credit card companies are not the ones putting you on a leash when you avail of a credit card. In fact, it is the other way around—they are the ones working for you. You are the boss.  You actually have the power to fire your card company if...

How To Successfully Churn Credit Cards

The other day, I published an article about trying to get your vacation for as cheap/frugal as possible. One of the ways that I discussed was the churn credit cards. Credit card churning seems to be more and more popular these days. Just like I said in my article the other day – if you are bad with credit cards, then credit card churning is probably something that you do not want to get into. Credit card churning is where you apply for credit cards that offer rewards (such as cash, airfare, etc.). Then, once you receive the credit card,...

Planning Your Next Frugal Vacation

I’m all for vacations. I know that some people are homebodies (and sometimes I am that person), but I also love a really good vacation. I have done a lot of traveling in the past few years, but I also haven’t spent that much money as well. I will not lie though, I still have spent thousands on my trips, but I am probably saving over 50% of what the average person pays for their vacations. I have heard of people paying $5,000 for a one-week vacation to a place in the United States or somewhere close-by, and that just...

Positives of Buying Your Next Home

Last week, I published the post Positives of Renting Your Next Home. It can be hard to decide what you should do, as there are positives and negatives of both renting and buying your next home. While there are many positives of renting your next home, there are also many positives of buying your next home. Here are positives of buying your next home instead of renting: Buying may be cheaper if you stay put. In many areas of the country, buying a home may actually be cheaper. An example would be that in the Midwest, you can buy an...

Wasted on the Young

I remember the first time I was offered life insurance. My mom insisted I meet with an insurance agent to discuss a policy when the baby was born. At first I kind of laughed at it. I was 25 and didn’t plan on dying anytime soon. I was in good health, I worked out a few times a week, I didn’t smoke…why would I waste perfectly good beer money on some life insurance policy? Still, she persisted for months on end, so I finally broke down and met with the guy, mostly just to make her happy. I didn’t listen...

Positives of Renting Your Next Home

With real estate currently in a whirlwind, you are probably wondering if you should buy or rent your next home. It can be hard to decide what you should do, as there are positives and negatives of both renting and buying your next home. Next week we will discuss positives or buying your next home, but today we will be talking about the positives of renting. Here are positives of renting your next home instead of buying: Maintenance is not your problem. No, you should never trash a rental home just because you don’t own it. However, regular maintenance is...

Tips For Better Negotiation

Since this is a personal finance blog, I’m going to guess that one of the reasons that you are reading is because you want to put more money in your pocket. Whether that means that you are trying to cut your expenses or because you want to increase your income, being a better negotiator will help you keep more money in your pocket. Here are my tips to become a better negotiator: Be nice to whomever you are dealing with. Many people think that the meaner that they are, the better “deal” that they will get. However, I don’t understand...

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