Tips For Success When You’re Self-Employed

Tips For Success When You’re Self-Employed

If you are wanting to be self-employed, there are many things that you should be aware of. Not everyone makes it as a self-employed person, and I actually know quite a few people who tried the self-employed life only to realize that they didn’t like it at all. So, then they went back to their day job and were happier than ever. However, for me, I enjoy the self-employed life. I don’t think I could honestly ever go back to the corporate world or my day job, and I have no desire to whatsoever. Freelancing and being self-employed has been...

4 Places To Stop Using Your Debit Card At

4 Places To Stop Using Your Debit Card At

The other day I published the article Should You Have a Debit Card Or a Credit Card? As you know, I prefer to use credit cards over debit cards. T here are just so many more positives and benefits of using a credit card. However, I do know that some people prefer to stick to cash and their debit cards. That is completely fine and there is nothing wrong with that. However, with a debit card, there are some places where you should not use it and stick to cash or credit card instead if you can. Below are places...

Beginner Finance Tips

If you are new to managing your finances, then there are many things that you should probably learn. When I was in high school, there was no personal finance class so I had to learn everything the hard way. I think all schools should require a personal finance class, but if yours didn’t, I will try to help you out a little bit today. Have a budget. Whatever you do, please have a budget! So many people out there do not have a budget. If you are having money problems (whether that be debt, not saving enough or something else),...

Should You Have a Debit Card Or a Credit Card?

Should You Have a Debit Card Or a Credit Card?

Surprisingly, many people do not know the differences between a debit card and a credit card. I used to work in retail and I would see this all the time. I even had many people every single day who would try to pay with their ATM card (back when I worked in retail, there were cards that were strictly for the ATM – they were not considered a debit card and could not be used to buy things) and didn’t understand the difference between that either. As a small side note, ATM only cards usually only allow you to take...

Items To Buy Used and Items To Skip

Items To Buy Used and Items To Skip

If you are looking to save some money, then you may have looked into buying items used. I have bought many items new and I have saved a great deal of money this way. However, at what point must you not buy an item used and only buy it new? Even though I buy items new, there are certain items that I would never buy used in order to stay safe and/or healthy. Below are items that you should try to buy used, and others that you should skip and just buy new: Clothing – BUY Many clothing items can...

Money Tips To Learn Before You Move Out On Your Own

Money Tips To Learn Before You Move Out On Your Own

Everyone reaches that age where they want to move out and be more independent. Maybe you have no where else to go and you have to move out. Or, maybe you got your dream job and have to move for it to a whole new city. Here are a few different things you should think about before you move out on your own: Do you know how much money you really make? If you are new to the full-time world, then you may not know how much money you actually make. Too many people spend their first paycheck before they...

How To Save Money By Meal Planning

How To Save Money By Meal Planning

One way that I try to save as much money as I can with my food expenses each month is by meal planning. Food is expensive. Many families spend somewhere between $500 to $1,000 a month on food, and some families spend much more than that. Here is how you can save money by meal planning: You’ll have less waste. One big benefit of meal planning is that you will have less food waste. It is said that around 40% of food that is bought is thrown away and wasted. That’s a lot of money wasted! You might think that...

Different Accommodation Choices When Traveling

Different Accommodation Choices When Traveling

If you are planning your next vacation, then one of the big things that you are probably looking into is where you should stay when you are on your vacation. There are many different options out there, and they all have a wide range of prices. Here are the different accommodation choices for you on your next vacation: Hotel or motel. One of the most popular options is to choose a hotel or motel. These can range from a one-star motel along the side of a highway, or a 5 star resort located on a beautiful beach. You can all...

Short-Term Financial Help

An unfortunate element of modern day life is the need for unexpected financial commitments to be met in a short space of time. Life has a way of throwing things at us – good and bad – that only money can address. The truth is everyone at some point has had a short-term crisis or unexpected expenses that they’ve needed cash to resolve. This is as true of people who are fortunate enough to have savings as it is of those who do not have the income to be able to put some aside every month. When there’s a need...

How to trade binary options

Forex and binary options have become significant players in the world’s financial industry as such we have decided to help our readers understand the basic of binary options as part of our personal finance category. Binary options are virtual financial asset which are traded on online platforms. The principal of this type of trading is predicting the price change of a traded asset in a given trading time period. Options are sold on a wide variety of financial asset including; Stock, Indices, Commodities and Currency Pairs above this, assets have a wide variety of predefined expiry time which varies from...

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