Why Credit Cards Can Be Amazing

Credit cards can have amazing benefits if you know how to use them correctly. If you do not know how to use credit cards and you tend to rack up debt instead, I highly recommend that you stop reading this post and completely just skip over it. That is because even though the benefits of using credit cards can be great, it is not worth it to add debt to your life that is not necessary. Anyways though, if you know how to use credit cards correctly, then please continue reading below. There may be some amazing benefits that you...

Five Tips for Buying Your First Car

Buying a new car should be fun and exciting. But making such a substantial purchase can sometimes make things feel quite stressful. Here are five tips for helping you make the best decision possible when buying your first car – without the stress! 1. Do Your Research Before you grab the keys to your new car and drive off with the wind in your hair, take a step back. Are they asking a fair price for this vehicle? How does the price compare to others in the market of the same make and similar condition? If you don’t know the...

Introduction to Forex Trading

Forex trading is a topic that I have seen come up across the financial space quite a lot lately. Forex (the foreign exchange market) is an exciting financial market where currencies around the world are traded. Forex trading is so popular that over $3 trillion worth of currency is traded each and every single day. That is a lot! A simple explanation of the foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange trading is when trading is done for currency values. From ETX Capital‘s website: Currency exchange rates, such as the worth of Sterling relative to the Dollar or the Euro to the Yen,...

3 Ways To Make Money ASAP

Occasionally in life, you may come cross instances where you need money as soon as possible. This is why I think having an emergency fund is so extremely important, but I understand that sometimes a person does not have one or it is not fully funded at the time when you need it. You may need money fast because you had an unexpected medical bill, if you lost your job, if you want to go on a last second vacation, if you forgot about a bill that you needed to pay (perhaps something that is paid annually that you forgot...

5 Areas That Impact Whether Or Not You Will Be Approved For A Home Loan

Finally being ready to buy your dream home can be a great feeling. You finally have a budget where you can afford a home, and the next step is to find a mortgage company that will give you home loan. However, what should you do to prepare for this process so that you can get approved for a home loan AND receive the best interest rate on your future mortgage? Below are five areas that impact whether or not you will be approved for a home loan. 1. Your credit score. Your credit score plays a big role into whether...

4 Ways To Have Fun For Free

There are plenty of ways to have great fun on a budget. I know this because this is what I do. Whenever I hear about people who spend hundreds or sometimes even thousands of dollars each month on their entertainment budget, I cannot believe it. Sure, that is fine if you can actually afford it, but many people who are in debt do not believe that they can cut down on their entertainment spending without drastically decreasing the quality of their life. That is just not true at all! Today, I am going to talk about four different ways that...

Is Work Life Balance Possible?

Oh work-life balance. Some think it’s a mysterious thing and that it does not actually exist. I have to disagree with those people though. I think work-life balance definitely exists and that it is possible to have a manage them both well at the same time. Here are my tips to improve the quality of your life and make work-life balance a possibility: 1. Stop bringing work home with you. If you truly want to leave work at the office and have a better work-life balance, then you need to stop bringing work home with you. You might need to...

11 Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Bill

Would you like an extra $100 in your wallet every month? You bet! Everyone likes to save money, so if you haven’t gotten quotes from car insurance agencies in a year or two, you might be overdue for a checkup. Even if you’re happy with your current insurance company, there’s every reason for you to call and make sure that you’re getting the best rate. But getting a proper quote involves more than an automated website; your insurance company has an 800 number for a reason, and you’re free to use it any time to check up on your current...

4 Craigslist Rental Scams To Avoid

Scams on Craigslist seem to popping up all over the place. Recently, there seems to have been a rather large surge in rental scams on Craigslist, and sadly people still seem to be falling for them. This is sad because you might fall in love with a rental property, only to find out that they have stolen thousands of dollars of yours. No one wants that to happen to them, and sometimes these scams are so elaborate that even the smartest people seem to get duped. Below are 4 Craigslist rental scams to avoid and watch out for: 1. Someone...

5 Ways To Lower Your Budget ASAP

Everyone’s been there. You realize that something needs to be paid for that you forgot about, or maybe an unexpected expense came up. If you don’t have the cash flow for it with your current budget, then you may need to do something to lower your budget immediately to make room for it. Not everything below will apply to everyone, but some of the below may help you to lower your budget as quickly as you can. 1. Only use your pantry and your fridge. Instead of grocery shopping, you should try to make use of what you currently have...

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